Auctoral Peace


The Auctoral Peace was a formal agreement which was intended to close the Auctorate War, but was only truthfully effective to close the pure war. It was ratified in 16,793, between the two primary belligerents, the Sarzola Auctorates? and the Serkosian Auctorates?. The Auctoral Peace is remarked for its rather ineffectual terms, which failed to the slow the petty war, and which promptly became voided before the Second Corpse War? even reached its latter half, catalyzing the Second Auctorate War?. Many have also commented that while ultimately it was not great at bringing peace as the name suggested it would, it was enough to keep the major players stationary, which, was beneficial for everyone after the Corpse Brigade? had pushed nearly every state to its fundamental and structural limits.


Following the retraction of forces on behalf of the Sarzola Regime?, the Sarzola Auctorates were left to fend for themselves against Corpse Brigade fighters, Citadel?, Ogoros?, disorganized Kylomon mercenaries?, and the Serkosian Auctorates. This almost guaranteed their loss, but the state continued to test its luck. After a series of battles, concluding with the Battle of Botamoa?, the state could no longer keep up a defense, and called for a peace arrangement.

The stress the war had put upon the Sarzola Auctorates had nearly gotten their leader killed, nearly sparked a schism, and actually did drain the state of multiple valuable resources. At the peace convention they simply wished to maintain their sect's and state's very existence following the war.

The Serkosian Auctorates and related forces meanwhile, were extremely comfortable going in to the convention, knowing it would be largely a farce that they could manipulate, and to an extent this was the case. The Sarzola forces practically could do nothing but bend to their will to appease them.


The convention itself was tense, and extremely reflective of the attitude the cosmos reflected around this time. No one at the convention truly confided all of their trust in any others, even their allied factions. This was also the first major meeting of big players in the cosmos since the Peace of Dardoroc? at the end of the First Corpse War?.

Multiple instances of near-violence occurred in the proceedings, particularly interaction with the present Corpse Brigade delegates, who notably said (verbatim) that they, "Were here to bring eternal and unparalleled suffering upon the whole cosmos if it meant the rebirth of their Grand King of Corpses?, and the way delegations were playing out it would start with the Regime."

Notably, none of the surviving Serkos Game? members, Undallia?, Wroqalyons?, or Khava?, were present to represent the organization. This is believed to be because the Sarzola Regime assumed the complete extinction of the Serkos Game, due to misreports of the three surviving members' having died. If their survivals came to light, as they did in the Second Corpse War, it would cause further action against Serkosian forces, who had hit a victory stride for the time, and intended to keep it.



Many signatories were present from all parties, and it is largely considered one of the larger signatory lists amongst that of the Order of The Grand Coalition?, Peace of Dardoroc, or Corpse Doctrine?. The main two signatory pools?, the Serkosian forces and the Sarzola forces, saw the most delegation and negotiation before the signings. Other present signatory pools included the pool of more notable petty factions, the pool of free conglomerates, the pool of Free Auctorate? delegates (who were present to help reorganize Auctoral affairs going forward), and the mercenary pool, which was separated due to their incomplete and discontinuous alignment with the Auctorates, and continued efforts in the ensuing petty war, seemingly with their own agenda for power.

Serkosian Forces Pool:

Serkosian AuctoratesCorpse BrigadeCitadelOgoros

Sarzola Forces Pool:

Sarzola AuctoratesSarzola Regime
Ohmod Ideaos?Sarzaroth?
Heimdun Osrios?Tartaroth?

Auxiliary Signatory Pools:

Kylomon MercenariesUon Mercenaries?Free AucoratesGyolos-Aeylri Imperium?Petty FactionsFree Conglomerates
Istar-Coro?Dallon-Reneo?Nosraqa Narycarth?Yrohl-Kogdmon Gon?Ralos?Dorskor?


The following is all the resolutions? of the peace:

  • The open state of warfare between the Serkosian and Sarzola Auctorates was to be closed
  • The two major Auctoral factions agreed to a mutual distancing from one another. This way, war was less likely with either states' affairs separated.
  • The Sarzola Regime would officially excommunicate all affairs with the Serkosian Auctorates, voiding any proclaimed affairs between the two of any merit.
  • The various Principian mercenaries? were to pull out of any major battle location (Argeara?, Greneara?, Cadartagola?, etc.)
  • Serkos Game was declared officially extinct.
  • Citadel and Ogoros were (seemingly) without leaders, thus, Benefactor and Qaza were chosen to represent each as their new leaders.
  • Citadel and Ogoros would also be disbanded as a joint force, acting as allies only.
  • Corpse Brigade members were forced to exile in Svos?.


The following is all of the stipulations? of the peace:

  • The Gyolos-Aeylri Imperium would pledge their support to peacemaking following the war, offering to provide aid to help with cleaning up in any petty wars.
  • Dorskor and Ralos, the present petty faction signatories, relinquished their formal allegiance to their respective Auctorate factions, but still aligned with their respective Auctorates' interests.
  • Numerous reconstructive orders were passed to help rebuild the Sarzola Regime
  • Formal statements on Serkosian Legacies released, including multiple warnings and disclaimers that attempted to quell anger towards the Sarzola Regime for seemingly unfiltered genocide of Serkosian Legacy members, by explaining that the qualifier for aggravation was affiliation to Serkos Game.


Many of the effects of the Auctoral Peace were unintended, as it was a rather weak treaty. One of the biggest of these unintended consequences was the disobedience of the Principian mercenaries, which ultimately led to the unmitigated petty war in the local areas of the two Auctoral factions involved.

This treaty also largely integrated the former Corpse Brigade, Citadel, and Ogoros into the political stage as major players in said political stage. This widened the number of threats to the Sarzola Regime as well, and practically set up all but a few of the key elements for the triggering of the now imminent Second Corpse War. Despite their exile to Svos, the Corpse Brigade members would largely use this as a base to expand Corpse Brigade affairs, create a state of their own, and even begin to conquer the neighboring Low Fall States? and Blymok Domain? in the Giant's War?, which would be consequential to their later conquests around the cosmos. The Colossi? would largely become their slaves following the war's conclusion.


The Auctoral Peace was terminated in 17,454 directly following the outbreak of the Theos Subwar?. As soon as it was noticed that the Serkosian Auctorates had been working in secret with Nicovian Anomalies?, as well as Khava, who was discovered to be alive in 17,452 by the Sarzola Regime, the peace was voided, and the Second Auctorate War quickly followed in the same pulse.

It's termination was also followed by the termination of any and all resolutions in any of the convenes between 16,793 and 16,864. This unraveled any attempts for peace in the entire region, and also sparked the reintervention of Kylomon mercenaries, who had prior agreed to stay away from Auctoral affairs going forward. The Second Auctorate War would inevitably lead to the Serkosian Auctorates' allegiance to Nicoraqel. Effectively, by the termination of the Auctoral Peace, the entire Auctoral Faith was jeopardized between a series of ever-increasingly dangerous entities and factions.

See Also