

In physical theory?, a facet is a general term to describe any indivisible part (called an element?) or any subset of these parts (called a composite?). Facets are analogous to elements in set theory (not to be confused with the aforementioned use of the term element in physical theory) in the sense that a singular part of a set can be an element and a subset of a set can be an element. With such a general definition, there are many types and classes that one can find both naturally and artificially occurring, and many have unique properties that one can exploit in a process known as facet manipulation?. Facets appear in all known 1N? system constructions?.

Formal Notations

in constructed system notation?, facets are usually denoted by the symbol in construct braces, forming the construct symbol? . Specific nonconformities? are represented as with a subscript as follows where may be any symbol representative of that specific nonconformity. When representing specific familial nonconformities? such as norms? or souls?, often special family-specific symbols are used to denote their relation to a specific set of familial facets. For example, we can notate a norm using the construct symbol , which is an alternative to the more common symbol not found in unicode or any other symbol conventions. Conformities? such as fields?, natures?, systems?, and circuits? also possess their own construct symbols despite being facets, just as familial nonconformities do. The motivation for this is their structural regularity? which basically allows one to assume that there is some set of structural details or principles which must be true between all of the specific constructs in question. For example, underlying properties and information allow us to discern a nature from a field, as well as compare two constructs to conclude they are the same type of construct, suggesting that there is enough similar information for a regularity between the two to exist.


Facets are a literal construct?, meaning they are operable in the first degree as well as the second degree. Facets are so general that they are divergent? in properties on almost every front, even within a singular norm or locale?, let alone different ones that would further the divide between how they fundamentally work. Despite lacking nearly any unifying properties in any scope of operation, many local? properties can still be observed.


As explained prior, facets are an extremely general term for which many classifications and types exist, for a complete list see the list of facet classifications?. Most general types of facets revolve around either what construct they are, like fields, natures, or systems, or how they can be interacted with like operable, malleable?, or constructable? facets. There's also classifications based on other concepts, such as what bound? the facets lie in, what norm or what system construction they operate under, etc.

See Also