

Nebulation is a process by which a unified state devolves into a number of less and less unified entities, which eventually have no interaction (positive or negative), or don't even exist at all. Nebulation can occur at any classification of unity, as it will nebulate/dissipate into the next lowest classification of unity.


There are an uncountable number of reasons which can lead to the nebulation of a state. Despite this, there are a handful of very common reasons for state devolution into more disparate entities.


The greatest cause is often warfare, whether it be internal or external, the pressure of warfare can extremely easily divide a state, especially at the cosmic scale. War is also a large detractor from the resources, the economy, the population, and the spirit of the state. This puts immense strain on the state alone, outside of any semantic or specific narrative which is presented by the conflict at hand.

The greatest example of this is the Sarzola Regime?, which over the course of its lifespan very quickly devolved into a malstate? because of the intense and continuous stream of losses during the Corpse Wars?.

State Catalyzation

State catalyzation? is another prevalent cause. The appearance of an extremely powerful entity or faction, the spillover of an active conflict, or a rapid culture shift can lead to state catalyzation, the process of rapid state change to meet the current political situation. When this happens, often times tradition, values, and beliefs are rejected, and this causes a divide between the progressive and traditional factions of a state. This can fracture a state and lead to nebulation.

Natural Disadvantage

Sometimes, the simplest answer is the right one. In the case of many states, their location is devoid of many celestial bodies, strategic locations, or a reliable population. This is leads to natural power decline and state depression, and this alone can cause desperation to revitalize the state. Methods arising from desperation lead to a rise in extremism which can tear the state apart.


Denebulation is the reverse process, and similarly, has many unique circumstances under which it occurs. Primarily it can be seen occurring through prolonged united fronts against larger, more powerful entities, such as the strengthening of intra-provincial affairs within the Serkosian Auctorates? in light of the Sarzola Regime's aggression towards them in the Auctorate War. It can also be seen in the Cymos territories, where active aid and efforts on the part of a larger force, Freedomwrath?, to unify a state bring together their people into the Cymon Auctorate?.


Multiple examples of nebulation exist in history, a few include:

  • The devolution of Ambrosia? into the Corpse of Ambrosia?, and then the further dissolution into the Ambrosian Proto-Opencosm?.
  • The collapse of the Sarzola Regime, which saw more and more inability to control its overextended territory, until the return of Serkos which sparked a state catalyzation in the form of the Oscoth Treaty?. The outbreak of pure war? was never realized however, due to the release of the Terminal Deal? shortly after.
  • The Gyolos? have a large history of nebulation and denebulation due to the neighboring Aeylrog? and Visveil?. Depending on the state's relations with these factions, it can be observed in a state of increased nebulation or increased denebulation
  • Freedomwrath suffered a large spontaneous nebulation after the disappearance of Serkos, who held the entire state together. The state collapsed into multiple smaller rump states, primarily led by Clan Warlords?.
  • The Zolos? had a huge denebulating force in the form of Calayos?, but after the death of Anders?, this faction imploded, and caused massive waves of nebulation to overtake the Zolos Rim?
  • The Cymos, as mentioned before saw huge denebulation through efforts of Freedomwrath, and later denebulated further into the much stronger Octrasian Auctorate
  • Lastly, after the death of Ouroboros?, the ensuing collapse of the Ouroboros Regime? resulted in the birth of an uncountable number of states often grouped as the Fall States?. Further nebulation occurred after a large cultural divide appeared, separating the High Fall States? from the Low Fall States?.

See Also