Client Edict Of Byalosmarga


The Client Edict of Byalosmarga, signed in 13,016 in Varnaugh?, Byalosmarga? by the members of the Byalosmargan Central Authority? and members of the Freedomwrath Primary Society? served to reorganize the state of Byalosmarga as a client state? under the Freedomwrath Empire?. The edict was the most important of its kind, and Byalosmarga's reorganization under Freedomwrath is considered one of the most successful implementations of a client state in the Client Age?, being one of the only major peaceful reorganization in the lifespan of Freedomwrath. The edict was in effect until the fall of the empire, and was not renewed under the reorganization of the empire's territories into the Sarzola Regime?, nor any of the states in the period between reunification.


Initially, the two parties lacked major contact in anyway, with only minor interaction in the Speechless Agreement? and the Kylomon-Principia Agreement?. However, after these agreements took affect, the region between Byalosmarga and Freedomwrath became quite tense, particularly for Byalosmarga who feared their state would become threatened by the Odean Fragments? or Uon-Principa?. Around the same time, Freedomwrath imperialism hit an unprecedented high, with initiatives against Ambrosia?, the rise of the Contiguity Movement?, and concerns over resurgences in previously conquered regions. These previously conquered regions included Odea? and Uon-Principia, and therefore the two parties' interests collided.

Freedomwrath also came to be known as an unforgiving and yet prosperous state, possessing an unmatched military, endless wealth, and extremely flexible government under Serkos. Despite the brutal wars it had fought against the nearby states, it was known to very flawlessly integrate the conquered into their empire. Byalosmarga became the first and only major state to become a client through relatively peaceful means. This lent itself to the Client Age, which hit its peak during the integration of Byalosmarga, when many smaller states became clients to avoid conflicts both from Freedomwrath and from external forces.

The last major set of causes was found in the personal interests of Serkos, who wanted to see the independence of Lomos?, a majority Cymos? territory, to keep on good terms with the unintegrated Crown? parties. Serkos also wanted a buffer state to the north of the empire, to both mitigate immediate external influences, and ones unbeknownst to Freedomwrath beyond Byalosmarga. Ultimately, the spark for the edict came in the form of the coalescence of the Odean Fragments closest to Byalosmarga. Delegates were sent into Freeterror client territory, requesting council from the Primary Society directly, ultimately leading to the mutual organization of the edict.


The edict possessed ten stipulations?, and no resolutions?. While more concessions were made by Freedomwrath, ultimately they held a significantly greater flexibility in their part of the agreement, and the few concessions made by Byalosmarga were equal in the quantity of what they demanded from the state.


  • Byalosmarga would adopt the classification of a client state, and be voluntarily stripped of global authority over its territories, despite this it would possess local authority over a large remainder of its territory.
  • Serkosian authority would override Byalosmargan authority within the subpolities of Gulars-Jungh?, Cyalms?, and Runnimaeg?.
  • Pryosvitracti II-Z924?, informally "The Extants" would be sent to operate under the direct rule of the Byalosmargan autocrat, Ramagh Varna?, with the only authority proceeding Varna being Serkos.
  • Serkos would make efforts to help Byalosmarga solidify? their borders, and protect their authority in external regions.
  • Byalosmarga would be required to send a legion of fit fighters within three levels? of combat capability for use in the general Freedomwrath army, designated under the Byalosmargan Client Army?
  • Byalosmarga would be assigned one designated Patron Freeterror? which would be capable of serving the efforts of the Byalosmargans, so long as the Freeterror was available and the request did not seek the undoing of Freedomwrath or its dignity.
  • Byalosmarga must join the Imperial Diet?, a recurring council to discuss affairs between the client parties and Freedomwrath, also provided insight into political affairs furthest away from the empire itself, such as the whereabouts in deep Gyolos? or in the Fall States?.
  • Serkos would personally put down the separatist movement? in the far side of Byalosmarga.
  • Nearly half of the Corpse of Odea? would be fully swept for fragment factions? and rump states in the regions closest to the Freedomwrath Satellites?. The resolutions for each sweep operation are, in most documentation, abbreviated to a singular resolution for brevity.
  • Lomos would be released from Byalosmargan control in all forms


The client edict spurred a golden age within Byalosmarga, who drastically reduced militant spending as a result of Freedomwrath forces, and also now possessed research resources from the empire as well. Freedomwrath received all the demands it sought from the edict, as there was little to stop them from simply invading Byalosmarga if they did not obey. The edict was a major factor in the ongoing Contiguity Movement, as it was part of the initial wave to decrease territorial porosity? in Freedomwrath, and as mentioned before, played a major role in the height of the Client Age. The edict also neutralized the threat of Odea's, and more importantly, Principia's revival as neither could capitalize on an independent Byalosmarga.

It also had a surprisingly large influence over unintegrated Crown affairs, as the release of Lomos resulted in the development of relations between the Cymos and the Pryos?. This development would be a major factor in the creation of the cymon Auctorate?. It also led to souring of relations with the Zolos?, many of whom had grown to dislike the Cymos greatly, and who saw the release of Lomos as a sign of Freedomwrath favoring the Cymos over the Zolos. Although no major developments with the Einos? occurred, there was a relative drop in skirmishes along the borders of Freedomwrath around this time.


The termination of the edict occurred directly after the fall of Freedomwrath, in 14,337. Without the leadership of Serkos, the empire had crumbled into many successor states, none of which possessed the power to renew large scale agreements like the Client Edict of Byalosmarga. This meant the edict was largely ignored until the rise of the Sarzola Regime. Under the Sarzola Regime, the government was more controlling and involved in all aspects, and the goal of the regime was far more ambitious than that of Serkos' regime, despite the evident difference in each regime's effectiveness. With the goal of unifying all the Crowns and former Freedomwrath territories, Sarzaroth? cast aside much of the client model, favoring direct rule over territory. Despite the aim to reconquer Byalosmarga down the line, Sarzaroth became roped into a long conflict in the Gyolos-Aeylri Imperium?, which pushed forward the tide of the First Corpse War? in such a way that it left Byalosmarga in far too trivial a position to be attacked by the Sarzola Regime during the latter half of the war. These wars would ultimately span nearly the entire regime's lifespan, and leave it devastated by the end of the conflicts. Through this course of events, Byalosmarga would narrowly evade being conquered by the Sarzola Regime. Despite this, and knowing that the Sarzola Regime was in many ways weaker than Freedomwrath, Uon-Principia began lining up for a war against Byalosmarga. This eventually culminated in the aptly named Byalosmargan War?, which largely ended in a stalemate.

See Also